BETA: CrowdMall is currently in beta launch in the USA with a limited number of campaigns. Subscribe for updates as we expand our marketplace!


Satisfaction Guarantee

CrowdMall greatly values product creators and buyers. The following rules enhance the experience of selling and buying on the platform for everyone who uses CrowdMall.

Product Creators

CrowdMall guarantees satisfaction for product creators by:

  • Providing a robust ecommerce platform for pre-selling products
  • Enabling a level playing field for product creators by keeping platform admin fees low
  • Guaranteeing a quality threshold for product creator campaigns of all types
  • Attracting buyers by providing a well-designed, intuitive, and simple-to-navigate customer experience
  • Collecting and sharing valuable anonymized marketing persona insights
  • Partnering with third-party service providers that can add value to product creator campaigns
  • Taking a fair commission from the pre-sales income of successful product creator campaigns
  • Taking zero commission from the pre-sales income of unsuccessful product creator campaigns because all pre-order income for unviable projects is paid back to the buyers
  • Saving creators from selling products that people don’t want to buy.


CrowdMall guarantees satisfaction for buyers by:

  • Providing a robust ecommerce platform for pre-ordering products
  • Guaranteeing a quality threshold for product creator campaigns of all types
  • Maintaining a well-designed, intuitive, and simple website for easy navigation and optimal customer experience
  • Sharing interactive opportunities for buyers to engage with product creators
  • Allowing a cooling-off period of 14 days in which buyers can request a refund for their pre-order purchases
  • Guaranteeing that all pre-order income for unsuccessful projects is paid back to buyers
  • Allowing a grace period of 14 days after buyers receive their pre-ordered products for them to seek a refund in exchange for returning the product to the seller
  • Charging buyers only for the products they receive as a result of successful product creator campaigns
  • Offering the chance to “be the first” to own first-edition products that have the potential to be successful in the commercial marketplace

In order to create a trusted community we work to guarantee the satisfaction of both our buyers and creators.